It’s time! I know quite a few of you have been waiting for this review after my Spotlight on Boot Crowns back in February (and my Instagram photo teases). I was thrilled to meet founder Patricia at WEG last September and even more excited that she wanted to send me some Boot Crowns to try out and review. I was pretty much obsessed with the idea upon first glance, so you’ll have to forgive me if I still think they’re genius after a few months of wearing them and think everyone should have a pair (or two…or three). So without further ado…Get that Lust-Worthy Custom Boot Look with Boot Crowns! Alternative title: Look like you have a Ducktails style money vault in your house for buying endless custom boots without breaking the bank too badly.
The coolest thing about Boot Crowns of course is their ability to add style to the boring. I mean…if we’re being honest…they have no purpose other than to dress up our dull black or brown boots we already have. They’re not going to make you ride better or make your horse move fancier. The only thing they’re going to do for you is make you look like one of those influencers you see on Instagram and can’t help but be a little jealous of.
For me…I think that’s awesome. I’m never going to look like those girls (my body just doesn’t get that thin…). I’m never going to have the lifestyle of those girls (I’m in my mid 30s with the budget of a college student on financial aid and a baby on the way). I don’t bother wearing a full face of makeup (or any) just to hang out with my horse. I buy the breeches that fit my butt, not that are the coolest new thing. I buy the shirts that make me sweat the least and I try not to clash them to my breeches TOO badly. Boot Crowns is my one way to get a little bit of glamour to my every day riding look AND kick up my show look a notch too.
So they’re stylish. I mean…there are a number of options to choose from. The two I got weren’t that wild… but there are blingy styles, colorful styles, and you can even highlight your favorite warmblood breed brand. The only real bad thing about Boot Crowns right now is that since they’re a pretty new product, there aren’t that many designs yet. I say that, but there’s over 20 styles to choose from. I’m dreaming of some wild options and colors like hot pink, bright orange, plum purple, rhinestone piping…I mean…look at all the crazy custom boot options out there and you can just imagine how many different designs they can come up with. The more people buy, the more styles they’ll be able to develop (so go buy yourself a pair and help a sister out will you…I really want some out there color combos)!
If you’re worried about how well they stay on while you ride…don’t. I was initially worried about that, but with the silicone pattern, suede material, clip AND sturdy Velcro these babies to move at all in the saddle. I’ve worn them with my dress boots and my stiff dressage boots and they’re equally comfortable with both. I actually like the extra snugness they add to the top of my regular dress boots when I put them on. They dress up both styles beautifully and I cannot wait to wear a pair to my next show. Yup…I said show! They are show legal for Dressage (and of course Jumpers can get away with anything…so you’re good to go there too).
Don’t worry about bulk either. The new styles all have thinner leather on the interior Velcro side so that there isn’t a whole lot of bulk under your leg. Are you a petite rider? Or a big girl like I am? Don’t worry there either…there are two sizes available and they will accommodate most adult calf sizes.
If you want to check out more of their styles, learn more or buy some Boot Crowns, you can head over to their website, Instagram or Facebook.