Original Bit + Wash Kit Review

Original Bit + Wash Kit Review

Original Bit + Wash Kit Review
Ease of Use
Earth Friendly / Horse Mouth Safe

I picked the Original Bit + Wash Kit up on a whim…because that’s what we all do in tack shops right?  I wasn’t expecting too much, but thought it might be nice to try a new bit cleaner and I love the ease of a spray.

What appealed to me about this kit was a couple of things about it’s “earth friendly” nature.

  1.  I liked that it had a reusable cloth and brush instead of individual wipes.
  2.  I liked that it has an aluminum spray bottle.  The only thing that would go to the trash is the sprayer…which is a good step up from a whole bottle.
Original Bit + Wash Kit Review
Dirty bit pre-wash with the Original Bit + Wash Kit

This has a nice smell (kinda minty/vanilla) and a mild taste left behind (yup…I licked).  It does a good job cleaning the gunk off of my bit (even crusted on stuff in the joints).  It is also supposed to disinfect…which I have no way of testing, but I believe them.  Spray on, leave it for a second, use the brush in the joints and a wipe off and you’re done.  No heavy scrubbing.  No major time sink.  It doesn’t polish the bit and make it gleaming like metal polishes can…but it does add a nice shine.  And it’s horse safe/mouthpiece safe…so no worrying about getting silver polish where you shouldn’t.

Original Bit + Wash Kit Review
Post cleaning with a quick wipe down. Easy!

The cloth is fantastic.  It cleans well.  It washes well.  I love that it has the little tab to fold/roll it up to keep it clean in your trunk.  I also love the little brush, which fits into the nooks of the bit great.

Original Bit + Wash Kit Review
Bonus use…clean your browband bling!

What I didn’t think about was something that just happened out of laziness.  I was getting ready to go to a show and saw how filthy my browband was…so I sprayed a little of this on the cloth and rubbed it into my browband crystals.  It made them SO shiny.  I did the same thing to my stirrups.  This cleaner cleaned up both of them awesomely!  I love a product that can do multiple jobs.

Original Bit + Wash Kit Review
Also does a nice job shining up stirrups.

The price is fine for what it is.  I’d love to be able to buy a replacement bottle without the whole kit for a little bit less.

This whim product I picked up is now a regular part of my tack cleaning and show kit…and I will 100% be picking up another bottle once I finish this one up.  Love it!