It’s 2023! Lets Get Moving (and Get Some Freebies)!

Hi there!  Rachel here with a little motivation sharing and some Freebies for you.  You may or may not know I have in the past done several Goal Setting blogs…and since these oldies are still plenty good I like to re-share them with you every year!  They’re worth a read if you’re looking for some Goal Setting motivation.

Goal Setting Series

Why Should You Goal-Set this Year?
Goal Setting: Be SMART
Goal Setting: What to do When it Gets Tough (Because it Will).
Goal Setting: Honor Small Wins with Gratitude and Grace
Goal Setting: Watch Your Language
Goal Setting: Reassessing and Moving Forward

If you’re looking for some resources for tracking…I highly recommend the products from Clever Fox.  I’ve been using them for years and I love the planners, food tracker, gratitude journal, etc.  I also love the Equestrian Journal for tracking my horse stuff (I’ve tried several horse style planners and this is the only one I’ve really stuck to).   Okay.  That’s all the droning on I’m going to do about Goal Setting.  You know what to do and what works best for you!

Okay, now on to the good stuff!  Freebie time!  I’ve added a whole page of downloadable freebies for you, my friend (or your friends, or your trainer, or your barn buddies, or your mom, or whoever)!  All you need to do is sign up and you’ll 1. Be automatically directed to the freebie download page.  and 2.  BGet an email with a link to the downloads which you can keep forever.   These freebies will most likely change and grow over time, so if you’re ever curious what’s on there have a look.  Right now I’m offering a Goal Setting Guide (but with new art), a monthly calendar, a weekly planner, a show checklist and a handful of phone backgrounds featuring the art I’ve created for C4 Belts over the years (hint…there’s some new ones coming out for spring – 4 to be exact)!  To access the Freebies, click here!

Disclaimer: Don’t worry.  I will never spam you or sell your information.  This is basically putting you in my personal email contact list.  I don’t send regular newsletters or emails. You might end up hearing from me a couple times a year.  It’s chill.  I would love your email though in case there’s ever a problem with social media and I can’t reach you that way any longer!

Speaking of social media, if you aren’t following us on all our things yet please go hit that button on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Youtube.  You didn’t know I had a Youtube?  Well it’s actually our most followed social media with over 15,000 followers (yup!) and I have one video with over 7.5 million views!  Weird right?  Go subscribe to keep up with what I’m up to over there!

Some things are going to change in 2023 around here…but I’m going to get into that more in another post.  It’s been a long haul (since 2014) and we’ve published 329 product reviews since the start (written more than that…but I have removed some reviews that aren’t relevant any longer).  That’s not even counting all the Artist Spotlights, Company Spotlights, Blogs, Learning out of the Saddle, DIY Projects…it’s been a long labor of love.  Thank you for being here for it!  You are the best!


Thank you!
– Rachel