Back on Track Wrist Brace Review

Back on Track Wrist Brace Review

Convenience/Ease of Use

Okay okay…we’re horse people here right?  We’re all broken somewhere.  I have a few broken parts, but an old issue that continues to nag me is my wrist.  Imagine a long complicated and not completely horse related story here…it’s not that interesting so I won’t bore you.   But as you can see…it’s got a lump (that changes regularly I might add…fun!) and there’s been surgery on it.

Back on Track Wrist Brace Review

When the weather changes at all…my wrist hurts.  When I’m under too much stress…my wrist hurts.  When I have been eating too much junk food…my wrist hurts.  When it’s cold…my wrist hurts.  When I use it too much…guess what…it hurts!  I bought this Back on Track Wrist brace a few years ago (and a number of other products from them) and have yet to review them…so here you go!

This brace adds just a little compressive support.  The light pressure on the tendon is enough to reduce my pain in the area and help reduce the swelling.  It also (like all Back on Track products) helps produce heat in the area which can help aid in warming up old injuries or helping healing on new ones.  Does it heal my pain, no…but it sure does help!

Back on Track Wrist Brace Review

I appreciate that it’s 100% black with no logos on it and it’s pretty innocuous looking, so I don’t feel dumb wearing it out of the house.

I think the value is reasonable.  I have lost one of these and while annoying to fork over the money to buy another, it didn’t break the bank (and it was worth it to me to buy another…which shows how much I like it).  You can also just throw in in the washer (but don’t dry it) so it’s pretty easy to keep clean too.

If you have a wrist ouchy…I highly recommend you give this product a try!