2024 Show Season Wrap Up and Learnings

Photos by Tamera Torti

2024 show season had a different vibe for Jax and I due to the fact that (same old tune here) we STILL don’t have those changes down (laughs while crying).  Last year I started a project to earn my Bronze Freestyle Bar with a 1st Level Freestyle…and I say with great joy that I’m now the proud owner of a USDF Bronze Freestyle Bar closing out the 2024 season.  Feels good to complete that.

3rd Level Freestyle

While struggling mightily to develop the capabilities to go above 3rd level, we really just went back down to basics and it has helped (and if nothing else took the edge off and made showing more fun).  This year we showed a range of 2nd, 3rd and even 4th level tests.  We made a couple of non serious attempts at 4th level this year (I say non-serious because I was using those 4th level tests as warm ups for my 3rd Level Freestyle it was kinda a “lets go see what happens” thing).  I will say it was a delightful show year.  I honestly felt MUCH less stressed this year going for the freestyles because I let go of the results of our regular tests and used them for warm ups (hence most of those regular scores not being very high).  Some people find that going to a show and not trying for 70% is a waste…but for me…if I try focusing in too many places things are going to go poorly.  And getting the best scores possible in our Freestyles were the goal for the year…not 70% in tests we had previously mastered…or trying for enough “umph” to get a good score at 4th.

I created the 3rd level freestyle knowing that Jax was going to not get excellent scores on the changes, so I hid them a bit.  It worked out with one judge, but the other two were clever enough to notice when the change failed even hiding it.  LOL.

However our 2nd Level Freestyle was where we REALLY shined.  I wrote it to show off his epic ability to counter canter and it paid off.  I probably should have figured out how to show it more so I could get a drop score from that first attempt (where he was scared shitless in a huge arena at a huge showgrounds that was new to him), but with the limited options for shows this year and already spreading myself thin with trying so many different levels…I’m happy where it ended up.  I did end our show season at the end of July as our local shows were decimated this year and there wasn’t a lot of show options left after that.  They’re all crammed in April/May/June/July now…which is rough…but that’s another blog for another day.

Our Final 2nd Level Freestyle

Freestyle results this year:

2nd Level – 66.553%, 71.579%, 72.579%
3rd Level – 70%, 64.35%, 65.1%

Even more exciting are what these scores have earned us.

Awards for 2024:
– USDF Preliminary Awards Adult Amateur Musical Freestyle – 2nd Level – 7th Place Nationally! (we were 5th up until region championship results started coming through, so we just missed out on an actual award item for the placing).  We’re placed 14th nationally in the OPEN category of 2nd Level Freestyle.  I’m incredibly proud of this achievement…especially since I created my Freestyle myself.
– USDF All Breeds – AWSSR – 2nd Level Freestyle AA Champion
– USDF All Breeds – AWSSR – 3rd Level Freestyle AA Reserve Champion
– USDF Bronze Bar

We are also (3 of us from my barn) making the trip to Houston to collect our awards this year so that is going to be a blast.

Proud of the boy

All in all it was a good and successful year for us.   We also qualified for Region 7 Championships for both Freestyles, but I chose not to make the long trip down to LA as I didn’t think it worth the stress for Jax (or worth the money).  It always seems we get qualified and are doing well with something on years that the Region 7 Championships are in LA and not up here…frustrating.  The pattern looks to continue next year of course…about next year…

Our Final 2nd Level Freestyle

I will say Jax’s 4th level experiment wasn’t bad.  Our first attempt wasn’t bad…I just didn’t expect much and didn’t try for much (and the changes on the line didn’t really work out).  The second attempt he got literally zero changes (not even the confirmed side)…because he just literally wasn’t feeling “it” that day and a bit much at a new showground for him (our Freestyle was rough that day too).  However the rest of the test was pretty darned good. Since then (our last attempt was May), Jax has shown his changes in the half pass zigzag to be good, his change off his extended canter to be good, his single changes after pirouettes to be good, and he can change on the timing aids in the tempis (even if there’s a hesitation in the one direction)…at least at home.  He’s also gotten VERY good at doing the PSG half pirouettes.  The PSG test is so much more friendly than the 4th level tests still…even after the rewrites…you see where I’m going?

3rd Level Freestyle

Yup!  This might make some people fan themselves (it already has had that effect on some people I know), but I decided we’re going to skip 4th Level and go straight to PSG starting next month in November!!! Yup…that’s right.  After Jax’s “brother” was lost to colic last month…I decided it was “shit or get off the pot” time.  I’ve lost a horse at this spot before (short of getting my Silver Medal).  It would gut me to fuck around at 4th level until it’s perfect to have something happen again.  So we’re going for it.  We might get a 52%…or we might get a 62%.  We’ll see.  He’s certainly not getting a 70% at PSG and I’m not concerned about that.  My goal for the last 8 years has been my Silver Medal (yeah…I’m a brat I know…some people have that dream for a LOT longer and don’t get it)…and I’d like to get that done…a 60% is a 60% and I think we can get it done this next season.  We’re going to go work hard and find out!  Excited for what is coming next (and also looking forward to the day I can get out there and show a 4th level Freestyle).  I’m going to miss dancing down centerline to music.

Before the drama of our final 2nd Level Freestyle…I should tell you THAT story.