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So winter is here in California. Came early this year…the rains started full force in October. LOTS of rain. Then it happened to not rain for over 30 days…but whatever. Point is…Rain is here. Jax is out in a paddock full time, so rain means mud. Mud means muddy legs, manure puddles, thrush. Back when it started flooding in October, I reached out to Corro about trying some of their hoof products I’d never tried. I’m always on the look out for something better to treat foot issue. There’s never anything perfect. It’s either expensive, hard to apply/use, stains, doesn’t work at all, has crappy packaging that breaks, has crappy packaging that’s impossible to open…etc. One of the items Corro sent was the very simple and unassuming Effol Hoof Brush.
Now I love Effol/Effax products. I’ve been using their leather care for years and their lip balm is wonderful. I have never found a hoof cleaning brush I liked, so I was ready to give this one a try and I was…surprised.
First, when this showed up it was MUCH bigger than I expected. I don’t know why I though it would be smaller…maybe because all hoof brushes I’ve tried before are small. But it’s quite large and it covers a large area of hoof at a time for more efficient cleaning. The shape of the brush makes it easy to brush out the sole as well as the outer hoof and pasterns when the mud is caked on. It’s easy to sweep away dried mud, but also great on wet muck.
It has a nicely shaped, sturdy handle which is comfortable to hold and use. It has big stiff bristles for sweeping away the debris and muck without getting it on your hands (yay)! Even nicer (and I’m not sure if this is intended or I’m just creative) the handle end has a pointy tip which is excellent for getting in areas where mud is caked on and not coming off (like around the toe clips) and scraping off general big globs of mud. Handy!
The best thing about this brush is the reason why I bought it to begin with. I rarely brush off my horses’ feet with anything but a hoof pick. Sure…I have some of those little face brush sized hoof brushes…but they always seemed too dicey to use (safety-wise) for me to want to use them. With something that small that gets your hand so close to the hoof, it’s so easy for something to happen and your hand to get hit with a hoof or maybe stepped on. Having this style handle is extremely helpful for keeping your hand away from danger and allowing easier cleaning/scrubbing without squatting down in the line of fire.
I was very pleasantly surprised with this hoof brush and I’ll be picking up another Effol Hoof Brush when this one dies. The price is right for the quality and sturdiness and it’s so easy and comfortable to use, I can’t see myself finding something better! I don’t have any caveats, complaints or concerns on this product (so rare)!