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It’s full on summer…with no end in site in Northern California. August brings hope for many areas of the country, but out here…we know we’ve got at least two more months of flies…and heat…and no rain (if we’re lucky and it’s not longer). Flies of course are something that we are in a CONSTANT battle with. Lucky for me (and Spice), we have gotten the chance to try out some products from Mackey USA and today we’re reviewing the Mackey Bee Mine Fly Mask with Detachable Nose. Why haven’t you heard of Mackey yet? They’re new! Don’t worry, their products will be showing up in a tack store near you soon!
First thing I want to say about this fly mask is the Velcro is hard-core! Especially the bit on the detachable nose part. Both there and to secure the fly mask on is a double locking Velcro closure, so this mask is not easy for your neighbor to get off. Spice misplaced his nose flap (and I can’t for the life of me find it), but I think that the weekend groom took it off and set it somewhere. I don’t for a minute think that a neighbor pulled it off because it’s so secure (also I would have found it partially chewed up in the neighbor’s stall).
This fly mask is holding up so well! Despite some neighborly chewing. No tears, ribs, loose threads or anything. I’m very impressed with the quality of this mask and how heavy-duty it is (without being stiff and uncomfortable). There is a version with fleece trim and another version with ears, but for our needs, I think this version with no ears is perfect! It gives Spicey plenty of comfort around his ears/forelock area and doesn’t smush in his eyes at all. The fit is quite good for his funny shaped head. The ear holes might be just a tad too big for him so I think flies can get in if they really want to, but he always puts his head down into the mask when it’s time to put it on (you can tell he likes it). Just like those adorable matching fly boots reviewed a few weeks ago, the print is just SO DARN CUTE! Your horse is definitely the cutest in the barn with Mackey on.
It’s very breathable and doesn’t get Spicy too hot. Sometimes sweats under his fly mask, and he’s had no problem with that with this particular mask design. He’s also had no rubs and hair loss on his face like he has had with some past masks I’ve used.
Products from Mackey are Satisfaction guaranteed, so if you have an issue…just send them an email! I’m super happy with this mask and will be buying him another one once this one wears out (or goes missing over the winter as they tend to do).